27 August 2010

Costume Photo Shoot

We did a photo shoot with some friends and these are the results. Do you know any of these people? Jeri Mackley took the pictures and I supplied the costumes and our friends and fam supplied the personalities. Photos by Jeri Mackley

26 August 2010

7 Brothers

Here are some of the John Wayne type shirts I have been making for the Elgin Opera House. The darker color shirts look the best. I liked the brick red. The colors are light blue, yella, navy blue, purple, green and pink. John Wayne wore pink and no one messed with him.
I had to add length to the bottom of the shirt so hairy belly buttons wouldn't show and then I had to add length to the arms so when the boys do lifts the shirts will be long enough. I put Velcro on the wrist bands and most of the buttons on the bib fronts are sewn in place.
Now you know our clothing short cuts.
I have to finish sewing the pink shirt, and a vest and then I will be finished. ta dah!

22 August 2010

Create Your Own costume

Create-Your-Own Costume

Choose from the following items to make your own costume and accessorize!

  • Aprons

  • Boas

  • Canes

  • Capes

  • Fur Coats

  • Jewelry

  • Glasses

  • Gloves

  • Hats

  • Parasols

  • Pantaloons

  • Prairie Skirts

  • Shawls

  • Suspenders

  • Swords ~ wooden

  • Umbrellas

  • Vests

  • Wigs

$5. 00 per item rented

Children's Costume Inventory

From size 4 and up

Alligator ~ sz 4, green vest with hood

Cow ~ black/white- sz 3-5, no udders, fleece

Lady bug ~ fleece jacket with hood, sz 4-5,

Lizard - sz 3-5

Policeman top, dark blue ~ sz 3-5

Cat, Sylvestor, black/white, full body, sz 4-5

Unicorn ~ pink, sz 4-6, is riding kind around waist with suspenders

Deviled egg ~ one size

Duck ~ Med

Elvis ~ black, cape, vest and pants- sz L

Ewok - brown fur, sz med

Dark Jedi, black~ sz S

Bumblebee vest with hood ~ sz 7-8

Butterfly vest with hood ~ sz 7-8

Humpity Dumpity ~ white turtle neck sz Med

Knight ~ t shirt and silver hood, sz med

Monkey, full body, fleece ~ sz 7-8

Pirate ~ sz L

Karate outfit~ white, sz L

Race car driver, red jumpsuit ~ sz 8

Tigger, full body ~ sz 8-9

Alice blue dress and apron ~ sz 10-12

Bat ~ sweatshirt with hood and cape, sz L

Giraffe vest, fleece ~ sz L

Harry Potter ~ two black grad robes, one with tie, patch, hourglass and clasp ~ sz L

Matador~ sz 10 black jacket with coins & hat with red pom poms

Parrot ~ red, with yellow feather boa attached, sz Lg

Poodle skirt, pink, felt ~ sz L

Princess dresses, green ~ sz 8 & 10-12, purple ~ sz 8

Raggedy Ann (sz med) and Andy sz Lg

Tiger, full body, fleece ~ sz lg

Titanic dress ~ red and black ~ sz L

Asian dresses, floor length, reds, sz 12, & 12-14

Accessories ~

Clifford ~ red ears headband

Cloud ~ white headpiece

Rat hoods and tails (own pants and top) colors = brown, black and grey

Eyore ~ headband ears

Flowers ~ headbands, 4 pedals- pink/blue, pink/ black polka dot, green/white & purple/pink black polka dots

Monkey hoods and tails (own brown sweat pants & shirt)

Mouse hood and nose (own sweat shirt and pants)

Pied Piper cape ~ red/ yellow diamond pattern

Red Riding Hood cape

Sorcerer's Apprentice hat with ears

Sunshine ~ yellow head piece