Super Heroes
Dark Wing Duck – black hat, purple cape, duck nose, purple coat, web foam feet, yella soccer socks, & turquoise scarf, (white baseball pants)
Blue Ghost buster overalls and eye goggles – (need black back pack with vacuum hose)
Hercules – brown leather tunic, leather wrist bracelets, leather lacing for sandals
Incredible Hulk fists and mask – tan and green (need own tee shirt to match and shredded jeans)
Spiderman gloves, mask (wear own red tee shirt and blue pants)
Super man t shirt with red shiny cape
Zorro- black hat, cape, mask, sash & shirt, black boots- sz 10 ½ (need own black pants)
My friend Donovan wanted to use a Hercules outfit with a helmet and add wings to the helmet for a winged messenger outfit, Hermes.